Tuesday 22 February 2011

Labeled bottles, red theme party.

You can remove the labels and replace them. I decided to put the photos of each kid because they are very young, but you can simplify it by writing the name in the box. I have left two sheets of 6 labels that you can print on A4. Standard label (Download). Tags with the number 2 (Download).

To place the photos in Photoshop:
Open child photo file.

1: Select child's face with widow and copy (Ctrl + C)
2 Open label file: Select the area inside the frame with the magic wand.
3 Edit / Paste Special / Paste Into.
4 Then you can scale and move to center.
5 Repeat with each photo.

1 comment:

  1. he llegado al cielo con tu blog amigaa!, me fascina hacer de todo para las fiestas de mi niña (3 años) y me rompo la cabeza para saber como hacer las cosas tan bellas que tu tan facil me descifras, te adoro gracias!


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